
About Us

We are a group of academics, activists, artists, writers, poets, and professionals of various backgrounds, mainly from Canada and Bangladesh. We take an active and passionate interest in social justice and equity studies. Our goal is to engage in critical conversations to bring social transformations to make the world a more just and equitable place.


Our Mision & Vision

We facilitate and actively look for opportunities to create curated conversations that are critically examined and interdisciplinary in nature. Our conversations put a strong emphasis on community engagement to bridge the gap between theory and practices.

We live in a hyper-globalized and hyper-connected world and at an exponential time. Changes that took centuries to happen in that past now occur in a decade or in a few years. This disorienting disruption is making the wealthy 1% wealthier and displacing the 99% socially, politically, economically, and ecologically by threatening the very existence of all life on planet earth.

We believe, as earthlings, if we are to avoid the existential crisis at a planetary level, we must engage in informed activism. CBSJARA engages and facilitates dialogues to better understand the perspectives of various stakeholders around the world to facilitate collaboration and work towards establishing social justice globally.

Get Involved



If you care about social justice and doing something to make the world a better place, we would love to chat with you. We want to spread your work around the world that will enrich the perspective of other people to bring about desired social transformation.



If you are an artist and your work is linked to social justice, we would love to showcase your work on our online platform.



If you are a writer or a poet, and you use your creative genius to bring social transformation, please send us your article or poetry. We want the world to know you care about social justice.